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제 22 호 Let’s Explore Caffeine

  • 작성일 2024-06-06
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  • 조회수 6203

Kicker: LIFE

Let’s Explore Caffeine

By Min-Ju Kim


  What is the most frequently consumed drink by all ages? In addition to water, coffee, green tea, and the like may be mentioned. What do these things have in common? They contain caffeine. Even though they are our favorite drinks, we are not sure what effect they have. Let's take a look at this.

Caffeine-containing Food and Appropriate Intake

  Coffee is definitely the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to food that contains caffeine. Caffeine is contained in many foods, more than we thought. Let's find out about unexpected caffeine-containing foods that we didn't know. Ice cream, a popular snack for men and women of all ages, also has caffeine. The average caffeine content in ice cream is 82.9 mg/kg, and some even contain a larger amount of caffeine depending on the main ingredients. According to a study conducted by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 100 grams of caffeine per 100 grams of green tea ice cream is 99.83 mg. This is three times the amount of canned coffee (39.03 mg per 100 ml) sold in the market. Also, children's favorite chocolate snacks contain about 50 to 125 mg of caffeine per bag. Chocolate snacks are made with cacao beans, the raw material for chocolate, because cacao contains caffeine. Most people chew gum for a variety of reasons, such as mouthfeel and to avoid drowsiness. According to an analysis by the Korea Consumer Agency, a pack of gum contains about 32 mg of caffeine. In addition, some medicines also contain caffeine. According to data from the Korea Consumer Agency, a pill for headaches and a pill for colds have about 50 mg of caffeine, while a pill for just colds has about 10 to 15 mg of caffeine.

  The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety recommends daily caffeine intake of 400 mg or less for adults (300 mg or less for pregnant women) and 2.5 mg or less per kilogram of weight for children and adolescents. Be careful not to exceed the recommended amount, and do not consume caffeine five hours before going to sleep.

The Efficacy and Side effects of Caffeine

  Depression is highly associated with dopamine and serotonin hormones. Dopamine is a hormone that sends signals about pleasure, and so on that makes you feel happy. Serotonin is a hormone commonly known as the happiness hormone. Caffeine is said to help relieve depression and stress by affecting the secretion of dopamine and serotonin hormones. Coffee consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of developing depression by about 24 percent, and one cup of coffee per day has been shown to lower the risk of developing depression by about 8 percent. The low-risk section for the development of depression was the section where the daily caffeine content was 68 mg or more and less than 509 mg. Caffeine's chlorogenic acid helps to control hunger and suppresses appetite, while it helps to lose weight by activating brown fat, which helps burn calories.

  However, the negative effects are not small either. The body has a substance called adenosine, and adenosine in the brain combines with adenosine receptors to cause drowsiness. Caffeine has a structure that allows it to enter the brain well and is similar to adenosine, which binds to adenosine receptors in the brain and interferes with adenosine's activity. At this point, the brain has an arousal effect. These effects, if you consume too much caffeine or if it is not appropriate depending on an individual's condition, can lead to anxiety symptoms and an increase in your heart rate, which can also lead to insomnia. In addition, caffeine excessively secretes gastric acid, damaging the stomach wall and causing gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn, gastritis, and reflux esophagitis. Therefore, if your stomach is not good, you should limit your coffee intake. Irritable bowel syndrome refers to a chronic disease that causes unpleasant digestive or bowel movements after a meal or stress. Although the cause has not been identified, caffeine is known to be a factor that worsens the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, so if you have irritable bowel syndrome, you should avoid excessive caffeine intake.

  Caffeine is a big part of our daily lives, found in many foods and drinks beyond just coffee. It can boost our mood, help us stay awake, and even aid in weight loss. However, too much caffeine can cause problems like anxiety, trouble sleeping, and stomach issues. To enjoy caffeine safely, it's important to stick to recommended limits and know where it’s hiding in our diet. By understanding how caffeine affects us, we can make smarter choices to stay healthy. Remember, enjoying caffeine in moderation is the best way to get its benefits without the drawbacks.







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