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제 1 호 SMU Holds Capacity Building Program for Professors

  • 작성일 2019-03-25
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 7217

SMU Holds Capacity Building Program for Professors

by Sarah Chae, Editor


  A capacity building program for promoted, new and re-appointed professors was held by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) of Sangmyung University (SMU). The event took place at the Centuria Building, SMU Seoul Campus for 2 days, on February 14th and 15th

  This education program for professors was held as SMU has judged abilities of the teaching staff as the core of competitiveness nowadays. Recent situations have shown that universities are in states of crisis. Educational environments have changed and the fall of school-age population has led to admission problems (lower quotas). Therefore, to increase the competitiveness of SMU “The Past and Present of Our University, and the Innovation and Changes of the Future” was chosen as the topic of the whole program.

  The CTL has judged that strengthening teaching methods has its limits to capacity building. For such reasons, the focus of the program was on creating opportunities to explore strategies for the changes of school platforms and strengthen creative convergence education. Different programs were taken between new professors and promoted or re-appointed professors. The whole capacity building program consisted of programs like “Information education for strengthening creative convergence education”, “Understanding university structure and policy according to the recent environmental changes of universities”, “Team activity programs that use coding education”, “A talk with a senior professor”, “Surviving/Growing strategies to overcome the age of uncertainty”, and more.

  SMU was the first among domestic universities to hold this kind of program. However, after August 2018, this is the second time an education program about understanding the changes of the educational environment and the school has been held for the professors at SMU. 


